We had Halloween!! Megan, Melanie and I all wore our parachute pants that Melanie's boyfriend Connor brought us from India. So obviously we were Indians. Ha. It was an easy costume. Since Halloween isn't a huge deal here, I expected that we wouldn't see any trick or treaters or decorations. Luckily, we still did. Our neighborhood was full of little ghost, vampires and witches running around getting lollies. We celebrated the night eating goodies (like the spider cookies above) and watching Hocus Pocus at a Halloween party.
Melbourne Cup Day was Novemember 2nd. Who knew that the horse races were such a big deal in Australia?! Well they are. It was a public holiday!! We hung out and relaxed all day to watch a 4 minute race. I couldn't have enjoyed it more!
Megan, Em and I have started a new tradition... Parenthood and Nutella Hot Chocolate (we added white chocolate the week of the pic). Megan loves the show Parenthood and has definitely got me hooked on it so why not make it better with a tasty beverage. Everyone should stop what they are doing and go make some of this right now!
Australia has a new chip flavor. VEGEMITE! I have tried vegemite on toast and really do enjoy it, but I don't know about this vegemite chip business. When I get enough courage to try them, I'll let y'all know what they taste like.
One of my favorite ways to enjoy the city is up high where you can take in the view. Melanie and I spent the evening hanging out with our friend Nick at a rooftop pub and then enjoyed the city view from his apartment complex balcony. It made me love the city a little more!
At our church City On A Hill, Megan, Melanie and I joined a Connect Group Bible Study with our friend Em. There were about 7 of us meeting each tuesday night. It was such a blessing being able to meet with those girls and talk about the sermon from sunday. A course called The Change for the women at our church started also on tuesday nights, so as a connect group we decided to do it together. There are around 40 woman of all ages taking the course. Last week was the first time we met and it was wonderful. We are going through a book called How People Change by Timothy S. Lane and Paul David Tripp. Each week we will meet together as a large group and then break off in smaller groups to go deeper. I am so excited to see what the Lord does through this for the women of the Church and how He changes me to look more and more like Him. Please pray each tuesday for the class!
And lastly...a song that has been in my head for the last two days is:
"I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the world that I'm coming home"
Why? Well I'm coming home for a little bit over Christmas break! It's going to be a short trip but hopefully I can see some of your beautiful/ handsome faces.
heaps of love.